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We must ensure that ongoing generations remember and commemorate the history of this country to learn from the lessons of history to become more involved with their communitites, have a better understanding of how our country came to be what it is, and thus have a better understanding of how to better their country further for a brighter future.


February 1, 2003.

On this Day in History, a sad event occured in our nation's history when the space shuttle Columbia exploded upon reentering the Earth's atmosphere. The shuttle was only a few minutes away from landing successfully when it sudenly exploded in the sky. All seven crew members on board were sadly killed in the explosion. 

February 1 1960. 

On this day in history, 4 black students refused to leave a white only section at a lunch counter in Greensboro, NC. The students were abused by the people around them, but refused to leave nonetheless. The sit in sparked more massive protests and sit ins across the entire country against the segregation laws.

February 2 1848.

On this day in history, The war between the U.S. and Mexico ended with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In exchange for $15 million, the U.S. acquired the areas encompassing parts or all of present day California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Texas. The treaty was ratified on March 10, 1848.

February 3, 1870.  

On this day in our history, the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, guaranteeing the right of citizens to vote, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.


February 3, 1913.

On this day in our history, the 16th Amendment to the U.S Constitution was ratified, granting Congress the authority to collect income taxes.

February 6th, 1788

On this day in our history, Massachusetts became the sixth state to ratify the new U.S. Constitution, by a vote of 187 to 168. This was a big step to setting up the new government system which we know of today because in order for the consitution to become law of the land nine states needed to accept the constitution.

February 6th, 1933.

On this day in history, The 20th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was adopted. It set the date for the Presidential Inauguration as January 20th, instead of the old date of March 4th. It also sets January 3rd as the official opening date of Congress. 

February 7th 1795. 
On this day in history, The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, limiting the powers of the Federal Judiciary over the states by prohibiting Federal lawsuits against individual states. By adding the 11th amendment into the Constitution, courts coud hear cases between a state and people from another state.

February 10, 1967

On this day in our history, The 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, clarifying the procedures for presidential succession in the event of the disability of a sitting president.

February 13, 1635

On this day in history, Boston Latin School founded - the first public school in America. Today it is especially well known for being the school which was attneded by Benjamin Franklin. To this day it is called the oldest public school in the nation.  


February 15th, 1898
On this day in history, In Havana, the U.S. Battleship Maine was blown up while at anchor and quickly sank with 260 crew members lost. The incident inflamed public opinion in the U.S., resulting in a declaration of war against Spain on April 25, 1898, amid cries of "Remember the Maine!" The 3 ½ month long war resulted in over 75,000 dead.
February 20th 1962.
On this day in history, Astronaut John Glenn became the first American launched into orbit. Traveling aboard the "Friendship 7" spacecraft, Glenn reached an altitude of 162 miles (260 kilometers) and completed three orbits in a flight lasting just under five hours. Glenn was the third American in space.

February 21st 1972

On this day in our history, President Richard Nixon arrived in China for historic meetings with Chairman Mao Tse-tung and Premier Chou En-lai. This meeting had a huge impact on American foreign policy when it came to diplomatic realtions with outher countries because this was a meeting between a leader of the U.S with a communist nation during the ongoing Cold War.

February 21st, 1965

On this day in our history, Malcolm X, a very controversial Civil Rights leader (a former leader of the “Black Muslims) was shot & killed.  Malcom X was well known for urging the black communities to take a more violent stand against segregation and rascism in comparison to Martin Luther King Jr. (Another Civil Rights Leader) 

February 27th, 1950

The 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, limiting the president to two terms or a maximum of ten years in office.

February 28th, 1991

On this day in history, Operation Desert Storm, a U.S led military operation against Sadaam Hussain ended as Allied troops entered Kuwait less than a year after launching their offensive against Saddam Hussein's Iraqi forces. In Desert Storm, the Allied ground offensive began after a devastating month-long air campaign targeting Iraqi troops in both Iraq and Kuwait. 

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