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We must ensure that ongoing generations remember and commemorate the history of this country to learn from the lessons of history to become more involved with their communitites, have a better understanding of how our country came to be what it is, and thus have a better understanding of how to better their country further for a brighter future.


October 13: Birth of the U.S Navy

On this day in history, October 13 marks the birthday of the United States Naval Forces. Emerging at first as a small in size almost powerless fleet, the United States Navy today is one of the most powerful branches in the most powerful military in the world. The navy expands today to many branches through not only providing support on the high seas, but also through different branches. We use our navy to deliver troops, planes, armored vehicles, and other forms of military tools. Nevertheless our Navy also works as a tool of life through helping evacuating people from dangerous places, delivering humanitarian aid to places ravaged by disaster. 

October 16: John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry.

On this day in history, October 16 marks the anniversary of John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry Fort. John Brown was a strong supporter of abolition. He strongly believed that a radical, armed insurrection was the only way to make South States abolish slavery in the country.John Brown started his movement in Kansas following his attack on several slavery supporters in which him and his sons killed several men. John Brown began to become popular and attempted to take Harpers Ferry Fort in order to arm up more citizens against the South on July 3, 1859. He managed to take the Fort for a short amount of time before being overtaken by U.S Marine forces under Commander of Robert E. Lee. This event caused an even greater debate between Northern and Southern states on the issue of slavery, and began to create more sparks which would soon after ignite the Civil War. 

October 19, 1781 Victory at Yorktown.

On this day in history, October 19 the United States Continental Army and French allied forces have beaten the British Army in their final battle for American Independence. The victory in this battle has been final act which gave brith to our great nation. The American colonists waged a long and difficult war with the British for the sake of their lives being truly free from further government oppresion. Although guns, and brilliant tactitians were certainly useful in winning the decisive victory at Yorktown, it was the will to live in a free country with no more government oppression that truly gave the victory to colonists. 

October 31: Nevada Accepted as the Thirty-Sixth State

On this day in history, October 31, Nevada officially became the thirty-sixth state of the United States of America. Nevada came to be a state among the ongoing western expansion of the American people towards the western coast of the United States. 

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