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We must ensure that ongoing generations remember and commemorate the history of this country to learn from the lessons of history to become more involved with their communitites, have a better understanding of how our country came to be what it is, and thus have a better understanding of how to better their country further for a brighter future.


November 3, 2015 Election Day!

On this Day in History, November 3, 2015, is the election day in United States. This is the day that all eligilble citizens of the United States should go and cast their votes for public officials that are running for office. Disregarding this event, and this right of the people to vote is a huge mistake. There are still places in the world where people even give their lives to have the right to control their public office. If you are eligible, please vote!

States which were admitted to the Union in November. 

On this month in history, the United States of America had 6 states admitted to its union. The following are the admitted states: North Dakota admitted as the thirty-ninth state on November 1, 1889; South Dakota was admitted on the same day as the fortieth state, Montana as the forty-first state on November 8, 1889, Washington as the forty-second state on November 11, 1889, Oklahoma as the forty-sixth state on November 16, 1907, and finally North Carolina was admitted on November 21, 1789. 

November 10, 1775.

On this day in history, November 10 in 1775 the Second Continetal Congress passed a resolution which required a buildup of two marine battalions which would opperate on the ground and with the naval forces of the American Nation. Today, the marines are a huge military branch of our nation's armed forces, and one of the strongest military forces in the world. The U.S.M.C carries out some of the most dangerous and important tasks to ensure our country's safety both within and outside out national borders. 

 November 11, 2015 

On this day in our history, November 11, 2015 is Veterans Day. Veterans day was introduced as a holiday commemorating the brave men and women of our country who risked and or gave their lives to bring freedoms and safety in Europe after World War 1. The day was introduced by President Woodrow Willson when an armstice was signed ending WW1 in Europe. Since then, the day has become a major event in the U.S to commemorate all memers of our armed forces, from the veterans of past wars, to the men and women continuing to serve and protect our nation today.

November 19, 1863 

On this day in history, November 19 in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Speech. In his address following one of the bloodiest battles in the American Civil War President Lincoln commemorated the troops of both sides who gave their lvies in the battle standing up for what they believed were their sacred rights upon which the government cannot infringe. 

November 22, 1963

On this day in history, November 22 in 1963 one of the saddest events in our history occurred. On this day President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald during the President's trip through Dallas, Texas. Vice President Lyndon Johnson who was sworn in to replace Kennedy, declared November 25 to be a day of national mourning in remembrance of President Kennedy. President Kennedy was the fourth president of United States to be assassinated. 


November 23, 1863

On this day in history, November 23 in 1863, another one of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War was fought. The battle of Chattanooga at Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain. The Union soldiers sorrounder a significant Confederate force and pushed it back after a bloody two day battle which pushed the Confederate forces back into Georgia and paving way for further Union victories. 

November 30, 1782

On this day in history, November 30 in 1782 The United States of America wasa officially recognized as a sovereign, independent country by the British King after a long hard Revolutionary War the colonists fought for their freedom. This is a major event in our history because not only was America simply born through documents such as the Declaration of Independence, but also recognized as an independent power on the global field by its own previous rival. 

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